Set up a monthly expense sheet with a click, and take some of the tedium out of personal budget planning. Simply create a note, apply this budget planning template, and start tracking your finances in the following ways:
Start each month by making a plan, and end it by seeing your success. The template helps you do this by giving you places to record your monthly savings goal, starting balance, and ending balance.
Observing how you spend money can be an eye-opener that helps you save more. Add your wages and other income in the spaces provided. At the end of the month, write down what you spent on rent, groceries, eating out, etc. The budget template provides spaces for the most common expenses. You can include more by adding new rows to the table.
See how well your projections reflect your real-life spending. For each expense, fill in what you plan to spend in the “expected” column. When your spending is done for the month, fill in the “actual” and “difference” columns to see if you’re staying on budget.
Use the “notes” section in the row for each expense to reflect on your progress for the month. There’s also a section for your notes in the overview at the top of the worksheet that you can use to jot down your insights and tweak your plans as needed.